Charles and William Bixley Names
There is a striking similarity between the names of John and Grace Bixley's descendants and those of Richard and Mary Bixley. The similarity is most obvious in the names of John and Grace's son Charles' children and Daniel and Elizabeth's son William's children. If our John was the son of Richard and Mary Bixley, Daniel would have been his brother and so Charles and William would have been first cousins. The table below shows the similarity - the names highlighted in green show a match with Charles and Jane's family.
Charles and Jane's children possible reason year born for name Mary Ann 1828 child's mother's mother Charlotte 1829 child's father's sister James 1832 child's father's brother Henry 1834 child's father's brother William George 1836 child's mother's brother? and King Eliza 1837 ? - after father's cousin William's wife? Charles 1843 child's father's name William and Elizabeth's children possible reason year born for name Jane 1827 Charles' wife George 1829 King Ann 1832 child's mother's mother Charles 1835 Charles and Jane Charlotte 1837 Charles and Jane Henry 1840 Charles and Jane Edward 1843 child's father's uncle Sidney 1846 child's father's cousin (Sidney Otway)